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Bpowell -

Author -- 10 posts

Brett Powell is first and foremost a husband to his bride and father of eight wonderful children. He is also a writer, leadership coach, and the Archbishop’s Delegate of Development and Ministries for RCAV. Over the years working with CCO, local parishes, and the Diocese, Brett spent over 25 years fostering skills in leadership, organizational development, mission, and a passion for helping others thrive in their roles at home, work and ministry.

Resource Adults
3 Ideas to Improve Work Life Balance

“How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?”  On this subject, I am very much a student. Learning as I go, some ideas...

Embracing our own Missionary Identities through the Proclaim Movement

Since its initial launch in October 2019 at the Vancouver Convention Centre, the Proclaim Movement, the evangelization...

Common Language is Critical for the New Evangelization

Saint John Paul II spoke about the New Evangelization for the first time in 1983 while addressing a group of South American...

Resource Adults
COVID: A Catalyst for Change or Door to Demise for the Catholic Church?

A couple of months into the Pandemic, Carey Nieuwhof, a popular Christian leadership blogger, wrote, “By now you’ve realized...

A Deeper Look Into the Declining Numbers in Catholic Parishes

I have been reading through Fr. James Mallon’s book, Beyond the Parish. What a gift to the Church! Fr James takes an honest...

The Missionary Dimension of the Family Has Never Been More Important

I could tell my daughter had a difficult day. It was written all over her face. She shared what was troubling her at the supper...

Resource Parenting teens
Ten Messages for Young Catholics in Elite Sports

For 17 years our kids have been active in elite sports. It can feel like a grind at times but it has provided valuable lessons...

Resource Married
God's Process for Growing a Leader

Character is the essence of leadership – not skill or talent or strategy or personality. Even non-religious leaders affirm the...

Wisdom from 25 Years of Marriage

Dr Richard Swenson wrote a great life-leadership book entitled, Margin. He defines margin as the space between our load and our...

Resource Married
Family Chores and Why They Matter

Andrea and I are often asked how we handle chores around the house. For those of you that are not familiar with our family,...