Follow St Patrick Parish Weaverville

Catherine Wilson

Author -- 9 posts
Reinventing Christmas: Tips to Help Moms Stress a Little Less

Sleigh bells ring! Are you listening? Sorry, did you just ask me something? In the lane, snow is glistening. Oh - we still...

Resource Child
Building Lasting Faith in Kids: Proven Ideas from Sticky Faith Research

The research results have been rolling in, study after study, for over ten years now, and the story they tell is a...

Faith5: A Simple Routine That Boosts Faith Formation in Kids

A year after her classmate was murdered, a first grader finally sleeps through the night. Two young daughters are able to...

Guiding Your Son Toward True Manliness

My son’s question was pivotal. Possibly life-changing. It demanded a carefully-considered, intelligent answer . . . but I...

How to Respond When a Friend Reveals Tension in Their Marriage

It usually begins with a simple admission. But that admission changes everything. One minute you’re exchanging small talk with...

When You Feel Squelched by Your Forceful Spouse

When a passionate and determined wife – or husband – is married to an equally determined partner, it’s usually clear when one...

Preparing Your Child for Summer Camp

It seemed like such a good idea at the time. In February, your neighbour had phoned and urged you to register your child for a...

Resource Parents
Safeguarding Kids From Sexual Abuse

The statistics are so appalling they almost defy comprehension: as many as 10 per cent of Canadian children are sexually abused...

Resource Parents
Caring For Yourself When Your Child is in Crisis

If your child is hurting, you don’t need to be reminded that you’re under a lot of stress too. Perhaps your child’s situation...