Follow St Patrick Parish Weaverville

Eric Chow

Author -- 10 posts

Eric Chow has been in mission and leadership for over 15 years. As a lay missionary with Catholic Christian Outreach, and involvement in his local parish, school, and mens ministry, Eric finds life in roles of leadership, strategy, and mentorship. Eric loves being a husband to Vanessa, and father to Eva, Isabel, Sophie, Samuel, and Francis. You can usually find Eric climbing a mountain, fishing, or roasting coffee.

Resource Adults
Growing A Heart For Evangelization When It Feels So Hard

Do I have to evangelize? This is a question that many of us ask ourselves, and it's understandable. As a committed disciple I...

Pentecost Novena Day 1: Understanding and Charity

Welcome to Day 1 of our Pentecost Novena.  Today's reflection on the gift of Understanding and the fruit of Charity is from...

How I'm Growing Closer to God This Year

At the beginning of a new year, we often hear of people making New Year's Resolutions. Decisions that people want to make in...

Resource Parents
Making At-Home Christmas Mass & Celebrations Special

In our household, November is a very busy month for celebrations. Three of our five kids have birthdays. This year, because of...

Returning To The Heart of Confession

How do you prepare your children to receive the sacraments? And how might it affect our roles as parents? For all our kids...

I Don't Have to Earn Salvation

Why should God let me into heaven? As a lifelong Catholic, you might think that I’d know with certainty what my answer should...

Resource Married
Restoring Glory to Marriage

Vanessa and I were married in July of 2006 and since then everything has gone exactly the way we had planned. Said no couple,...

Resource Adults Young Adult
7 Ways Missionary Disciples Can Lead Parishes During Coronavirus

This pandemic has become a dramatic moment in history, especially for the Church. We aren’t sure what parishes and our...

COVID-19, The Impulse That Has Changed Everything

In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis offered a vision that became a founding tenet to Proclaim’s mission: “27. I dream of a...

Resource Adults
Saying No to Small Expectations, and Expecting God to Move

I failed miserably the first time I attempted to lead a Discovery study. I did everything I was supposed to. I prepared a list...