Follow St Patrick Parish Weaverville


40 posts
Relational Trust in the Role of Evangelization - Proclaim

How to Lead a Missionary Family - Proclaim

Navigating Difficult Conversations - Proclaim

Leading A Simple Life of Social Justice

In our Western culture, we often associate the word justice with some radical activism that includes public demonstrations and...

The Formation We Need for Mission

About a year ago, my wife and I welcomed our first child into the world. Without a doubt, she has been one of the greatest joys...

Resource Adults
Book Review - The Wounded Healer

How do we minister to others, when we ourselves are broken? This question often comes up when evangelization and accompaniment...

Resource Adults
Storytelling As Key to Evangelization

We live in an era of information overload and overstimulation.  This societal info-dump—among other reasons—often results...

Resource Adults
Pressure to Proclaim the Gospel

“Jesus died to pay the price for our sins. He wants to have a personal relationship with you; to show you an abundant life!...

Novena to Pentecost

Subscribe to our Pentecost Novena which starts on Friday, May 27 and ends on the vigil of Pentecost Sunday, June 4.   ...

Proclaim Field Guide

This field guide invites you to approach mission differently and is meant to be used with a small group.

We Need To Be More Than A Welcoming Church

I was a lapsed Catholic once. I went through my late teens and early twenties chasing fulfilment in fleeting things. I was...

Ministering to Gen Z Through Accompaniment

“Mr Clay: you don’t have a right to tell me how to do anything.  Because you don’t know a single thing about me.” Wow. With...

Community and the Fire of Faith: A Spiritual Journey

“And there are diversities of operations, but the same God, who worketh all in all.” 1 Corinthians 12:6  When we look through...

The Abundant Life from East to West – Reflections on Community and Family Life

“And there are diversities of operations, but the same God, who worketh all in all.” 1 Corinthians 12:6 When we look through...

The Christian Is Never Alone: Reflections on Community

The Pentecost scene depicted in the Book of Acts is both amazing and realistic: The disciples are neither known for their...

Understanding the Kerygma

Have you  ever  encountered a Catholic word that you  did not  know? We  m ight hear other Catholics use words unknown to us...

How to Lead Discovery

Upper Room 2021

We’re reopening a year of ministry and mission with the Upper Room on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021. Register today!

Resource Young Adult
How To Water A Thirsty Soul

When was the last time you took a plant on vacation?  For me, it was just a few months ago. Perpetua, my shamrock plant, has...

Breaking Into New Ways of Prayer

One of the most useful ways to deepen your prayer life (and relationship with God) is to change the methods (or aspects of the...

Resource Married
How Reconciliation Transformed a Restless Heart

I’ve always been considered the black sheep of my family. All my siblings were intelligent while I struggled in school. In the...

Resource Parenting Young Adults
When I Began to Ask, Why Am I Going To Mass?

I converted to the faith in 1961 when I got married. That's when I became a "church-goer.” When it was Sunday, I was supposed...

Resource Adults Young Adult
7 Ways Missionary Disciples Can Lead Parishes During Coronavirus

This pandemic has become a dramatic moment in history, especially for the Church. We aren’t sure what parishes and our...

Breaking Out Into New Ways of Prayer

One of the most useful ways to deepen your prayer life (and relationship with God) is to change the methods (or aspects of the...

Asking for The Big Things in Prayer

One of the things that hinders us in prayer is that we do not ask “enough.”

It’s All About the Relationship

Prayer is communication with God and this communication has a single end as its ultimate goal – union.

Resource Adults
When I Feel Alone in Evangelization

The words evangelist and evangelizing scare me. When I hear those words, I hear extraordinary and isolated.

Resource Adults
Discovery or Alpha: How do I choose?

Any tool is going to depend greatly on how it's used by the handyman.

Resource Young Adult
We Need to Be More than a Welcoming Church

I was a lapsed Catholic once. I went through my late teens and early twenties chasing fulfilment in fleeting things. I was...

Resource Adults
What Happens After Hosting Alpha at Your Parish?

One of the big questions a lot of people have when they run Alpha is: what next?  Alpha is the first letter in the Greek...

Resource Adults
Where did the New Evangelization Come From? An Interview with Michael Dopp

Michael Dopp is the founder of Mission of the Redeemer Ministries and the New Evangelization Summit, a premier conference and...

7 Questions to Start a Spiritual Conversation with Family

I’ve heard it said more than once that the people hardest to evangelize are your own family.  Maybe we feel awkward because...

Resource Adults Young Adult
What is Discovery & How Does it Work? 

The CCO Discovery study is a 6-week faith study that leads people through the kerygma in a small group, discussion-based study....

The Upper Room Launched Something Special

Despite mourning the loss of a family member, Msgr. Gregory Smith of Christ the Redeemer parish attended the Upper Room...

Resource Women
Discovering Her Voice In Evangelization: Lisa Canning

I was hesitant about leading Alpha. But now I say that I’ll be running Alpha until I’m 90 years old.

Resource Adults
Saying No to Small Expectations, and Expecting God to Move

I failed miserably the first time I attempted to lead a Discovery study. I did everything I was supposed to. I prepared a list...

Is Alpha Catholic Enough?

“Is Alpha Catholic enough?”  Maybe you’ve asked this question out loud. Or maybe you've at least thought it.  Afterall, Alpha...

Resource Adults
Creating an Impact List

In addition to praying generally for the success of our efforts (like the Psalmist prays, “Give success to the work of our...

Resource Adults
What Holiness Really Means

Holiness can get a bad reputation. It can feel intimidating, seeing it as something out of reach. Others may see it as...

Resource Adults
Who Might You Invite to Alpha?

You want to start running Alpha. You are ready to open your home as a place to do mission. But you're stuck on one question—who...