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Rev C. John McCloskey

Author -- 1 post

Father C. John McCloskey, III, STD is a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei and a research Fellow at the Faith and Reason Institute in Washington, DC. Father John's articles and reviews, have been published in major Catholic and secular periodicals, including Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, National Catholic Register, Washington Times, the New York Times, and ACEPRENSA.


Fr. McCloskey was a Catholic chaplain at Princeton University. He also served as adjunct priest for Hispanic Ministry at St. Paul's Parish in Princeton, NJ. Most recently he was Director of the Catholic Information Center of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC.

Father John McCloskey has done extensive work in radio and television. On EWTN, he has hosted series on Cardinal Newman, Catholic authors, Ecclesial Movements, Great Moments in Church History", "Your Vocation God's Call in Your Life", "St. Thomas More Faithful Statesman." All of his television series are available from EWTN's Religious Catalogue on home video and soon also on DVD.